The infamous "Pregnant Man" has been pleading in court to get a divorce from his wife and now it looks like he is going to get what he desires. The 40-year-old, who was originally born a girl, completed gender-reassignment surgeries in 2002 and legally changed his...
Year: 2014
When grandparents gain child custody of their grandkids
Most Pennsylvania residents think of child custody disputes as matters between a mother or father. However, it is extremely common for grandparents to also enter into the child custody debate. Indeed, grandparents are assuming the role of parent to their grandkids for...
Are Pennsylvania Facebook users getting more divorces?
Time and again, it seems like studies are finding a link between the frequency of Facebook use and the likelihood of divorce. The question is, are marital problems the cause for increased use of Facebook and social media or does an increased use of social media...
Division of assets for Pennsylvania spouses over 50 years of age
The division of assets during a Pennsylvania divorce is never easy. The emotional aspects of "letting go" and the legal and financial complexities can be overwhelming. Issues surrounding the division of assets in a divorce, though, can often be even more complex for...
Pennsylvania mother temporarily loses child custody
A Pennsylvania teenager has been placed under the custody of Highland County Child Services following a court hearing in which her mother tested positive for drugs. The 16-year-old girl was in trouble with the law herself, after she admitted to leaving her mother's...
Division of assets: Want to buy the marital home?
When Pennsylvania couples divorce, they have many things to think about. The division of assets is often a primary concern. In many cases, one of the spouses will want to hold onto the marital home after a divorce. This means that the spouse will have to buy out the...
Man to pay ex-wife $40,000 in fees for child custody battle
Although judges make child custody decisions based on the best interests of the child, it's impossible to make everyone happy. Child custody issues can intensify when one parent moves out of the country, and the child sees one parent only a few times a year. This is...
Jason Patric wages child custody dispute
In the past, fatherhood was fairly easy to determine. Most children were born naturally and within the confines of marriage, so there was no issues about which man was the father and if a sperm donor was considered a father. But now, Pennsylvanians may be confused...
One woman tells about why she supports father’s rights
One paralegal has assisted men when it comes to fighting for their parenting rights and spoke of a conversation she had with another woman she had recently met. The paralegal spoke of what she was doing and was then asked if there were fathers that were actually...
A fair division of assets is not always a simple calculation
Retirement and investment accounts require a great deal more attention than many couples give to them when it comes to a divorce. Too often couples simply split the proceeds without giving it more thought. But a great deal more analysis needs to be made before...