Whether you have been divorced or widowed, if you are getting married for a second time in Pennsylvania and either you or your partner have children from previous relationships, you should understand how a strong prenuptial agreement can help you, your future spouse...
Month: March 2018
Divorce 401(k) division mistakes you should avoid
When you are getting divorced, your focus may be drawn to your largest and most significant assets. You might be very concerned about what will happen with this property in the divorce, and what this will mean for your future.For many divorcing couples, retirement...
How does the new tax law affect my spousal support payments?
If you are a divorced Pennsylvania resident who pays or receives spousal support, you should know how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by Congress late last year and signed into law by President Trump on Dec. 22, 2017, affects your payments. As Market Watch explains,...
Custody for dads in Pennsylvania
Among the many societal shifts in recent decades that have occurred include the increasing role of fathers in their children's lives. Many dads in Pennsylvania today might indicate that they are more active in their kids' daily lives than their own fathers were with...