Social media has become the new town square. It’s where people meet, mingle and exchange news and views with friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances and even complete strangers. With all of the recent scandal surrounding Facebook’s invasion of users’ privacy, it may...
Divorce 401(k) division mistakes you should avoid
When you are getting divorced, your focus may be drawn to your largest and most significant assets. You might be very concerned about what will happen with this property in the divorce, and what this will mean for your future.For many divorcing couples, retirement...
What expenses are not factored into child support?
Child support payments are a primary concern for divorcing parents as the income used to maintain one household will now be used to finance two homes. Child support is a source of income for many families; the funds are used to pay for basic necessities such as food...
How divorce cripples women financially and what to do about it
Historically, the female population in America has been marginalized when it comes to the gender inequality of income. This includes divorced women. It certainly takes great courage to walk out of a marriage that is toxic and unresponsive to any type of help. However,...
The division of IRAs in a divorce
Divorce can cause significant upheaval to your life in the present, but it can also have lasting implications on your future. While it’s logical to consider the immediate financial impact of divorce, it’s smart to be aware of how it will affect your retirement as...
Separate, Not Equal: Equitable Distribution Facts You Should Know
Considering a divorce in Pennsylvania? This is not a community property state. There are guidelines you should be aware of for dividing marital assets with Pennsylvania’s equitable distribution law. Before the practice of equitable distribution took effect, the basis...