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Should You Keep The House After Divorce?

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2018 | Firm News

Aside from custody negotiations, one of the thorniest issues in a divorce can be what happens to the house. The house a couple has shared likely has emotional meaning for both spouses, and it can be difficult to figure out what to do with it, especially if children are involved. Sometimes, to maintain the “nest” for minor children, the mother will want to stay in the house and maintain the house as a primary residence for the children, while the father finds a new place where the children can visit. This arrangement may seem like a simple solution, and may seem the most favorable solution for a mother who has stayed home to care for the children while the father worked outside the home. There can also be financial benefits to keeping the home. But there are also reasons why the house can become an albatross, too.

The cost

If you keep the house after divorce, can you afford it? Even with tax deductions, which are currently up in the air anyway, you will still face not just the mortgage, but also property taxes, utilities and upkeep costs. Yes, you may have emotional ties to the home and don’t relish moving into a smaller, potentially less desirable house, but it’s also not worth going into debt over a house you can’t afford on your own.

The psychological toll

While your house may be your castle, it’s also the castle that you used to share with your spouse, when you were a family. There are memories in every room which can make it difficult at times to move on, emotionally.

A lawyer can help you plan

Divorce is emotional, and it can be hard to think clearly when so much is at stake. Whether you keep the house or sell it and start anew somewhere else, an experienced family law attorney can help you sort through your options and help you make the decision that’s right for you.

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