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Strategies to help single dads navigate back-to-school time

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2015 | Fathers' Rights

Being a single dad comes with a lot of challenges. Not the least of them is trying to prepare for back-to-school season — which can be even more difficult if you were not involved in getting your child ready for school during your marriage. That said, you can navigate back-to-school time with a few easy tips.

First, make sure to save some extra money over the summer months so you can purchase any new clothes, supplies and other things that your child requires for school. In most cases, divorced Pennsylvania parents will have to split the cost of school supplies so make sure you are ready with some saved money. That way you don’t end up putting the costs on your credit card.

Second, set up an online calendar so that your ex-spouse, child and yourself can stay on the same page with regard to your child’s school schedule. This shared calendar can be updated by everyone who has access to it so that dates for holidays, after school events, field trips, sports practice and other things can be prepared for in advance.

Third, try to get your ex-spouse to accompany you so that both of you are dropping of your child at school together on the first day. This can help your child feel more secure and supported on a day that is usually filled with a lot of stress for kids.

There are some other pieces of advice single dads can follow like: informing your child’s teachers that his or her parents are divorced; attending parent-teacher conferences with your ex-spouse; and maintaining clear lines of communication about your child’s progress and setback at school. Single dads may also want to consult with a family law attorney in the event that they are unsure of their parental responsibilities during the often stressful time before school begins.

Source: The Huffington Post, “10 Smart Back-To-School Tips For Divorced Parents,” Brittany Wong, Aug. 24, 2015

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