Actress Kelly Rutherford of "Gossip Girl" fame has lost the battle to win custody of her two children. The father of the children, German business mogul Daniel Giersch, will have full custody of them and -- as of a recent decision by a Monaco judge -- Rutherford will...
Year: 2015
Startup wants to bet $10,000 that you will get divorced
A new startup company has a very unusual business plan. It wants to give you and your spouse-to-be $10,000 to finance your wedding day, and you will not have to pay it back unless you get a divorce. However, when it's payback time, you'll get hit with some interest --...
Asset division myths that are not true
There are a lot of myths circling around about divorce and asset division that simply are not true. It is important for Pennsylvania residents to be aware of these myths because they can affect your decision-making process when it comes to divorce and cause unexpected...
Important information about child custody laws in Pennsylvania
When a married couple with children decides to bring their marriage to a close, important questions need to be answered with regard to child custody. In some cases, parents are able to come to an out-of-court agreement as to the terms of child custody arrangements;...
Defending fathers’ rights in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania courts will strive to serve the best interests of the child in every child custody matter. In the vast majority of cases, this means that courts will take action to ensure that children have the chance to spend ample time with both parents. Still, this...
Important issues relating to divorce and retirement assets
Everyone wants to have a secure retirement nest egg he or she can rely on during his or her golden years. In the best of Pennsylvania marriages, couples work together to plan their retirement and they talk openly about their taxes and financial planning issues....
What should I do if my ex always spoils my kids?
We all have different parenting styles. However, if one parent likes to shower his or her kids with lavish gifts to the point of spoiling them, and the other parent prefers not to grant his or her child's every wish, this can be difficult to deal with. If you're the...
Do grandparents have rights in a child custody case?
Interestingly enough, if you are a Pennsylvania grandparent seeking custody rights over your grandchild, you may have the law on your side in some cases. Indeed, a grandparent is permitted to file a court petition to try and obtain legal and physical custody of a...
Representing divorcing individuals in Pennsylvania
Divorce, property division, child custody disputes and all the emotions that come along with these processes are very difficult for Pennsylvania residents to endure. However, even when the divorce is over, it can be painful to deal with being alone and all the...
Strategies to help single dads navigate back-to-school time
Being a single dad comes with a lot of challenges. Not the least of them is trying to prepare for back-to-school season -- which can be even more difficult if you were not involved in getting your child ready for school during your marriage. That said, you can...